StockMins – EweLamLac + Buffer

Buffered Lambing Supplement for Ewes Fed High Grain Diets


StockMins-EweLamLac + Buffer is a high-specification, weatherproof, granular loose-lick supplement specifically designed to support pregnant and lactating ewes fed high grain diets when energy, essential minerals, vitamins and trace elements are in high demand.

For best results, StockMins-EweLamLac + Buffer should be fed from 4 weeks pre-lambing until 4 weeks post-lambing or when feeding pregnant or lactating ewes more than 500g/hd/day of grain.

Target Animals

Sheep, Goats

Product Description

StockMins-EweLamLac + Buffer contains high levels of available magnesium (7%), calcium (13.6%) and acidic salts, as well as elevated levels of other essential minerals (sulphur .8%, phosphorous .9% and salt 21%), vitamins (A 140,000iu/kg, D 30,000 iu/kg and E 750mg/kg) and trace elements (Co, I, Se, Mn, Zn, Mo & Fe).

The inclusion of effective long and short-acting buffers supports high-level grain diets to boost energy supply while promoting ewe health, immune response and assisting in reducing the occurrence of pregnancy toxaemia, dystocia and hypocalcaemia.

*Despite magnesium accounting for 7% of the supplement, magnesium in StockMins-EweLamLac + Buffer is provided from multiple sources with varying solubility to match the sites of absorption and maximise overall bioavailability of magnesium to the animal.

Product Appearance

StockMins-EweLamLac + Buffer is a mid to dark brown, dust controlled, sand-like feed supplement with a dispersion of white flecks throughout. It is coated with molasses and oil with a sweet molasses, earthy smell.

Feeding Instruction

Offer free-access allowing ewes to consume an average of 20 to 30g/hd/day. Once animals are fully adapted animals will control their own intake. Use one tub (20L drum cut in half) for 50 sheep and replenish supplement as necessary.

Can also be included in the grain mix at 1 bag (25kg) per tonne.


  • Only feed to intended livestock
  • Do not allow access to horses

Product Code



25kg Bags
6.5 cents/hd/day

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