
Bloat Season 2011

Bloat season is upon us again and it seems like its going to be a big one. The great winter and early spring rain received coupled with hot sunny days have boosted pasture growth rate throughout the region this year. Almost overnight clover has shot up to give pastures that timely boost of nutrition needed for weaning lambs and calves. However, it is important to be wary of bloat during these times as it is all too easy to fall into the trap of chasing the high production levels spring legumes provide and forgetting about the dangers of such practices. At ANP we recommend that farmers reduce the risks of bloat, while still grazing high percentage clover, lucertne and other legume pastures, by incorporating a selection of ANP’s bloat control products into your grazing programs. We have had great success with our range of products over the past 8 years and the feedback from customers has been positive. Bloat products recommended by ANP include:

·         StockMins – Bloat Control: A granular, molasses based, dust free premix to assist in the control and onset of symptoms of frothy bloat by direct feeding at pasture or including in feed rations. A waterproofing agent is added to protect the product during spring rains. Bovatec® can also be added to further reduce bloat risk and boost growth rates of stock.

·         StockGro – Bloat Control 50 + Bovatec®: A molasses based, thick, brown liquid that’s purpose is to assist in the control and onset of symptoms of pasture bloat by direct feeding from tubs at pasture. This product is primarily targeted at cattle of all ages that have been predisposed to conditions of frothy bloat caused by legumes and short lush spring pastures.

            *Magnesium can also be added to this product to protect cattle against grass tetany

·         StockGro – Bloat Control 100: A molasses based, thick, brown liquid that’s purpose is to assist in the control of severe cases of frothy bloat at pasture. This product is quick acting and can also be drenched in cattle and sheep in extreme cases of bloat.