Clover is arguably the best feed available in spring, especially in high producing animals where its high protein content and digestibility can really add value to pastures containing actively growing grass species like ryegrass. However, like many things in life, having too much of a good thing can cause problems, and the problem with too much clover is bloat risk.
Key Points:
- Bloat costs cattle producers $50 million in lost production annually
- Spring creates perfect conditions for clover growth and bloat development
- Clover cover above 25% is considered high risk, 50% is severe
- Integrated control including feeding hay, cell grazing, bloat products and monitoring is recommended
- The right product is integral to successful bloat management. StockMins-BoviBloat Plus
It’s common for cattle producers in many parts of NSW and northern Victoria to experience bloat during spring. What differs is how bloat the bloat risk is minimised or controlled from farm to farm. In many cases, a herd moved onto risky pasture in the morning can experience significant losses by days end.
According to a recent report (Cost of endemic disease update 2022) bloat costs cattle producers in the southern states $50 million in lost production each year. With the EYCI pushing close to 700 and the cost of inputs continuing to rise, losing cattle to bloat this season may have a larger impact on farm profitability than previous years. To stay on top of bloat, it is beneficial to identify what brings it on and how to control it.
Bloat Development
The proliferation of bloat this season will most likely stem from the continuation of above average rainfall and mild temperatures experienced so far this year – ideal growing conditions for clover. With widespread cases reported in the central west and northern NSW, a combination of rising temperatures and warm sunny days will likely see bloat continue to be an issue into early summer.
Pastures where clover accounts for more than 25% of ground cover are considered risky, with the bloat risk elevating to extreme beyond 50%. Lucerne is less of a concern until new, lush growth is generated, which can come on the back of a single rain event.
Assessing Bloat Risk in Pastures

Clover cover can develop quickly, so it is important to continually monitor pastures and perform an accurate risk assessment.
Integrated Bloat Management and Control
- Dilution of the diet with palatable straw or hay not only offsets intake of the ‘hot feed’ but also helps breakdown the foam and bubbles.
- Strip or cell grazing management to limit over consumption of the offending pasture. Lush clover is highly digestible and is usually the first feed grazed in a paddock. High stocking rates during cell grazing can reduce the chance of cattle gorging on clover.
- ntroduce cattle to risky pasture when full.
- Use of effective bloat licks, blocks, drenches or feed additives.
- Diligent monitoring of pasture and cattle for signs of bloat.
Choosing the Right Bloat Management Product
The right bloat management product is an integral part of an integrated management control program, as it can significantly reduce the risk associated with grazing spring pastures.
Effective is key. This means animals having the access, desire and ability to consume effective active ingredients at the right dose level combat bloat in low, medium and high-pressure pastures.
StockMins-BoviBloat Plus is a dual-active, multi-action, palatable loose-lick product specifically designed to alleviate bloat symptoms and reduce bloat development in cattle grazing lush green pastures.
Dual-active, multi-action
With one active ingredient, Bovatec® (ionophore) acting to elevate rumen function and in doing so reduce bloat development, and the other active, Teric, controlling symptoms by rapidly dissolving bubbles, dual-active, multi-action bloat control products like StockMins-BoviBloat Plus have proven to be very effective in aiding in the control of bloat.
Palatable loose-lick formulation
The trick with bloat control products is to ensure that livestock are going to consume effective amounts of active ingredients at the right time to reduce bloat when challenges occur. StockMins-BoviBloat Plus’ palatable loose-lick formulation enables cattle to easily access the product at levels that provide an effective dose.
For best results, we recommend using StockMins-BoviBloat Plus as a part of an integrated bloat management program.
More Information
If you would like more information regarding our products, please contact the team at ANP. 0412048055 or email