AusFarm Nutrition Products are here to support producers and the livestock that they care for. We do not only offer quality ruminant nutrition products we also pride ourselves on providing specialised services and customised technical advice. Such services include:
- Complementary, continued professional and nutritional advice and consultation.
- Up-to-date nutritional information and advice through our quarterly newsletter. Click here to join our mailing list.
- Loan of feed tubs for the duration of supplementation program (subject to availability of tubs).
- On-farm delivery of liquid feed supplements within 100km radius of Wagga Wagga (deliveries of at least 2,000L, subject to availability of delivery drivers).
- Assistance with feed and commodity procurement.
- Feedlot design and troubleshooting.

Nutritional Advice
Our team has a wealth of nutritional knowledge, especially in southern NSW production systems. We are eager to share customised nutritional advice to assist producers in maximising production and profitability while minimising risks.

Ration Formulation
Our technical nutrition consultants specialise in feed formulation and diet construction. Whether managing a grazing operation, feedlot or dairy, we can balance diets to maximise business profitability and animal health and performance.

Metabolic Disease Investigation
Through feed sampling and analysis, we investigate metabolic diseases and troubleshoot diets to maximise growth and efficiency.

Feed Tests
It is important to know what you are feeding your animals, especially in a lot feeding scenario. We offer complementary feed tests to customers to assist with ration formulation and feedlot consultation.

Our Customers Say
“StockMins - Hoof n Horn is great for clearing up foot abscess. This year has been a big one for foot problems in ewes and since using Hoof n Horn i haven't had any problems..”

"I've been using StockGro - StopStress for over a year now. I use to have problems with dark cutters and weight loss during transport. Now the cattle don't lose condition or weight on the way to the sale yards... I can't afford not to use StockGro - StopStress"

"I really noticed the difference this year. My ewes and lambs look that much better after using StockMins - EweLam Lac. The twins aren't struggling and the ewes look healthy"

“Paul Meggison is the owner and nutritionist of Ausfarm Nutrition Products. We have been consulting Paul for over 12 years, he provides an accurate, cost effective range of products that we use. Including a weaning product for cattle and a pre and early lactation product for heifers and ewes. He has also been a source of information about locating cost effective feeds.”
John McNeilGeneral Manager, Eringoarrah Station