Jon Meggison

Effective Protein Supplementation

Weaners grazing lucerne

On the back of a drier than normal winter and spring, this summer is shaping up to be very different from last year. Standing feed has matured and dried off much sooner than usual and, although hay sheds and silage pits are stacked to the brim, prices for supplementary sources of feed are through the […]

Grazing Stubbles While Fresh is Best

With harvesting underway, it’s the perfect time to have a think about how you’re going to use recently harvested stubbles efficiently. Key Points Fresh stubbles with spilt grain are great for lifting condition on ewes to get them ready for joining Rain on standing dry feed can significantly reduce its nutritional value Although good feed, […]

Making the Most of Maturing Green Feed

In making the most of maturing green feed it is valuable to know what’s happening within the pasture and its impact on grazing. As lush green feed matures the plants begin to put energy into hardening and growing the stem. The natural purpose for this is to get the seeds as high in the air […]

Rapidly Growing Lambs on Lucerne

Lucerne is a fantastic feed for growing livestock, especially from late spring onwards when winter pastures begin to mature. However, with a high level of digestibility, around 28% CP and 9.5 MJME/kg DM, there are a few variables that require attention to get the best out of grazing lucerne. Dr Paul Meggison, local producer and […]

Minimise Bloat Risk this Spring

Clover is arguably the best feed available in spring, especially in high producing animals where its high protein content and digestibility can really add value to pastures containing actively growing grass species like ryegrass. However, like many things in life, having too much of a good thing can cause problems, and the problem with too […]