Graze Green Feed While the Growing’s Good

It is widely known that the cheapest feed available is growing in your paddock, and, with an NDF of 38%, 10 to 12 MJME/kg DM and 22 to 26% protein, there’s not much better quality than lush green spring pasture. This is why Spring is the perfect time to finish lambs while the grass is […]
Bloat Risk: Serious

Key Points for Bloat: Bloat is shaping up to be a serious concern for cattle producers this season. Low ground cover throughout winter provides a “perfect storm” for bloat. Assess, monitor and act are key to an effective bloat management plan. The use of an effective bloat supplement is essential to integrated management. Don’t risk […]
Grazing Winter Crops Effectively

Key Points The lack of an autumn break in southern Australia may hinder winter production Grazing winter crops can plug the winter feed gap Crops are a great source of feed, however, low mineralisation can limit grazing efficiency StockMins-Crop Grazer Plus trials provide evidence of rapid weight gain on green feed Benefit of Grazing Winter […]
Risk of Winter Grazing

Key Points Grass Tetany is likely to be a concern this winter, especially if further rainfall events occur Supplementary feeding hay or silage and a high magnesium supplement can help reduce the risk Frothy Bloat will likely be a concern in late winter or early spring Measure, monitor and manage pasture clover cover StockGro-Bloat Control […]
Dry Season Feeding Guide

Effective dry season feeding involves supplementary feeding livestock to achieve a particular pre-determined purpose. Be-it maintaining condition on dry cows, achieving optimum growth in weaners or finishing steers, efficiency is key to managing a profitable production system during dry periods. In order to achieve feeding goals and control costs, it is important to know the […]
Grass Tetany Alert

A combination of various environmental factors this season tend to be aligning and can possibly create the perfect storm for Grass Tetany (hypomagnesemia) in cattle over the next few months. These predisposing factors include: High K and low Mg in young pasture after a dry spell Prolonged periods of cold, wet and windy conditions Lactating, […]