
StockMins-EweLamLac HE Trial

StockMins-EweLamLac is a high-specification, weatherproof, granular, loose-lick supplement designed to support pregnant and lactating ewes at a time when essential minerals, vitamins and trace elements are in high demand. Providing heavily pregnant and lactating ewes with effective levels and sources of essential minerals, vitamins and trace elements has been shown to significantly increase ewe health […]

Summer Bloat

Weaners grazing lucerne

Lucerne is a fantastic feed, especially during summer when winter-dominant pastures have matured and browned off. Lucerne’s high level of protein and digestibility make it ideal for growing weaners, enabling them to stack on the weight at a time when little else is on offer. However, grazing lucerne, especially fresh growing lucerne, can cause cattle […]

Reduce the Risks of Grazing Summer Weeds in Pasture and Stubbles

Sheep grazing dry feed

Key Points: Weeds springing up in summer pastures and stubbles can be harmful to livestock. Weeds can be the only green forage available in dry stubbles and pastures. Common signs of toxicosis include red faces, yellow and weepy eyes and swollen head. Toxin binders are effective at binding and neutralising the toxins in the weeds. […]

Grazing Stubbles this Summer

Ewes grazing fresh stubbles

Key Points: Spilt grain in recently harvested stubbles is a great resource for boosting growth in sheep. A paddock grain assessment is vital in managing the grain load and risk of acidosis. For growing lambs, the inclusion of a protein source (lupins) can assist growth. StockMins-Stubble Starter is a buffered high protein supplement designed to […]

Maintain Lamb Growth on Summer Pastures

Key Points: The nutritional value of winter grasses declines as it matures. Growing lambs on mature green feed requires protein and energy supplementation. Supplementation of lush lucerne with grain can significantly boost live weight gain. Feeding a palatable hay (cereal hay) on lucerne can help reduce the risk of ‘Red-gut’.   A combination of soil […]


Key Points: Weaner growth and development is arguably the most important point of weaning. The condition of the cow is the best indicator for when it is time to weaning. It is more efficient to wean and feed weaners and cows separately than together. Effective weaning can boost the productive capacity of weaners throughout their […]