
Grazing Stubbles

Grazing stubbles is another great example of the synergies between crop and livestock production. Stubbles, when grazed effectively can assist in the growth and maintenance of livestock, during summer, when feed availability and quality is generally limited. In return, grazing livestock help to physically breakdown stubbles to assist with future sowing activities. Another useful by-product […]

Dangers of Grazing Weeds in Pasture

Lambs grazing weeds in paddock

Key Points Soil moisture will likely see weeds springing up in pastures and stubbles Weeds can be a great source of feed, but some can be toxic to livestock Mycotoxins are also a concern this summer due to spoilt crops Toxins can be diluted by feeding hay StockMins-Detox protects against the absorption of harmful toxins, […]

Maintaining Growth Rates on Summer Pastures

A combination of high soil moisture levels and rising temperatures have seen pasture growth really kick throughout spring. The large amount of feed available will likely see standing feed utilised in growing lambs in summer. Optimal levels of protein and energy for rapidly growing lambs are 16% protein and 12MJ ME/kg DM of energy. This […]

New Product Feature: New Weapon to Assist with Fly Control

A combination of La Nina-induced spring rainfall and forecast milder than usual summer temperatures may provide the perfect storm for fly pressure this summer. At the same time, increasing reports of resistance have resulted in shorter protection periods for chemical control. With this in mind, producer’s may need to pull out all the tricks in […]

Lameness and Ram Checks

Ram Team Lameness

With joining just around the corner, many producers are working to control lameness and get their ewes in the best condition to conceive one or even multiple healthy lambs and lay the foundations for another successful lambing season next year. But what are they doing with their rams? Minimise the risk of misfires Rams are […]

Coccidiosis on the Rise

Coccidiosis alert!!

Rainfall again persisting into the seasonally dry period in the southern states has given rise to concerns about coccidiosis outbreaks in lambs. What is Coccidiosis? Coccidiosis is a disease caused by a coccidian infestation within the digestive system of the animal and in severe cases can result in significant economic losses and can lead to […]