Coccidiosis alert!!

The unusually wet start to summer has given rise to concern about coccidiosis outbreaks in lambs at pasture and for those bound for feedlots. ANP has already received several reports of serious events already.

With lamb prices predicted to stay high into the new year, targeting rapid lamb growth, either at pasture or in confinement should be at the fore. Although severe cocci outbreaks can be catastrophic and lead to high mortality rates, sub-clinical infections are a more likely scenario and have a detrimental impact on live weight gain and animal health.

To get on top of coccidiosis in your flock this season, ANP recommends using StockMins-Lamb Finisher (for lambs at pasture) or one of ANP’s Lamb feedlot supplements (for intensive/confined feeding) containing Bovatec® to help reduce faecal shedding of coccidia. Additionally, these supplements are fortified with other major minerals, vitamins, and trace elements to help boost feed conversion efficiency, immune response and live weight gain.

If you would like more information to help coccidiosis being a problem on your farm or believe coccidiosis is already impacting your lambs, please call one of the teams at AusFarm Nutrition Products, your local ruminant nutrition specialists.

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