
High Protein Dry Feed Supplement for Cattle


StockMins-BoviPro is a high protein, antibiotic free, weatherproof, granular loose lick supplement, designed to be fed to cattle on dry pasture, stubbles, hay or straw to elevate fibre digestibility and the efficient utilisation of farm-produced forages.

Target Animals


Product Description

StockMins-BoviPro delivers a direct and effective source of protein, minerals, vitamins and trace elements to the animal and is ideal to assist in providing maintenance of cattle on dry feed.

  • 30% crude protein, consisting of both rumen degradable protein, including urea (8%) and true protein.
  • Effective starch to stimulate greater rumen microbial activity, increase nitrogen utilisation and improve fibre digestion.
  • Balanced levels of available calcium (10%), phosphorous (2%), magnesium (1%) and salt(18%) for optimum performance on dry feed and stubbles.
  • Essential trace elements (Co, Se, Cu, Mn, I & Zn) and vitamins A, D & E to help support immunity, wellbeing and fertility.
  • Sulphur at elevated levels to further stimulate rumen function and boost feed use efficiency.
  • Flavoured, oiled and granular to increase palatability, control dust, reduce product losses and limit segregation in mixed feeds.
  • Weatherproof to reduce water damage and leaching.

In drought conditions, StockMins-BoviPro can support maintenance in dry cattle grazing cereal straw.

Product Appearance

StockMins-BoviPro is a granular, dust free, dark brown, friable powder. It has a sweet molasses smell and appears mealy in texture dispersed with larger particles of urea.

Feeding Instruction

Free Access Feeding: Offer StockMins-BoviPro free access in 100 – 200L tubs limiting intake to 300g/head/day. Use one tub for 30 – 50 cows. Ensure feed tubs have adequate drainage points on the sides to allow rain water to run off the top of the product. After a period of introduction of around 1 week animals will tend to control their own intake to recommended levels.

Mixed Rations: Mix thoroughly in a complete mixed ration at a rate of 25kg of StockMins-BoviPro per tonne of air dried feed.


  • StockMins-BoviPro contains 8% urea. Introduce gradually by mixing 50/50 with lime or salt for around 5-7 days.
  • Do not feed to hungry livestock.
  • Feed only to livestock intended.
  • Do not allow horses access to supplement.
  • Excessive consumption of urea can cause toxicity.

Product Code



25kg Bags
25 to 50 cents/hd/day

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