StockMins-Lamb Finisher

StockMins – Lamb Finisher

Mature Green Feed Supplement for Sheep


StockMins – Lamb Finisher is a complete mineral, vitamin and trace element supplement designed to improve feed conversion efficiency and liveweight gain in growing sheep on mature green pasture.

Target Animals


Product Description

When green pasture matures and enters its reproductive stage, its digestibility and protein and energy content decreases, significantly impacting the liveweight gain of grazing animals. StockMins-Lamb Finisher increases the digestibility of the pasture, corrects the protein levels of the diet and makes better use of the available energy in the pasture.

Where more energy is required, a high energy grain should also be offered. StockMins-Lamb Finisher is buffered to reduce the risk of acidosis in grain assisted mature feed grazing practices.

StockMins-Lamb Finisher contains:

  • 12% crude protein to balance any pasture protein deficiency.
  • Anti-acid (buffer) compounds to reduce acidosis and general improve gut health.
  • Bovatec® for growth promotion, feed conversion efficiency and control of coccidiosis.
  • Optimum balanced levels of essential vitamins, minerals and trace elements necessary for rapid growth on high quality pasture.
  • Vitamin E (600mg/kg) to influence meat quality and immune response.
  • Thiamine (Vitamin B1) to aid in the prevention of CCN and other B1 deficiency symptoms.
  • Acid salts to moderate blood pH and reduce any incidence of urinary calculi.
  • Molasses to control dust, reduce product losses, limit segregation and increase palatability.
  • Weatherproofing agent to reduce rain damage and leaching.

For growing lambs on lush green pasture and crops see StockMins-Crop Grazer Plus: Green Feed Supplement for Sheep

Product Appearance

StockMins – Lamb Finisher appears as a granular, dry, dust free premix. It is light brown in colour with a distinct sweet aroma of molasses.

Feeding Instruction

Offer free access in troughs. Animal should not be hungry at the time of offering.

Lambs will limit their own intake to around 20 – 30g/hd/day once they have adapted to the supplement.  StockMins – Lamb Finisher may be mixed thoroughly together with other feed ingredients to make a complete mixed ration at a rate of 25kg of Lamb Finisher supplement per 1 tonne of feed, or

When feeding free access use one tub for 50 – 60 lambs.

Caution:  –  Do not allow access to horses!

  • Introduce gradually over a 3 – 5 day period.
  • Only feed to livestock intended.

Product Code



Product is presented in 25kg bags.
StockMins-Lamb Finisher costs 5.5 – 6.0 cents per head per day at recommended intake levels.

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