StockMins – Lamb Grower

Granular Mineral Supplement for Grainfed Lambs and Sheep


StockMins – Lamb Grower is a complete supplement designed to accompany and balance high grain feedlot diets for growing and fattening lambs and sheep or for supplementing fattening grazing lambs and sheep.

Target Animals


Product Description

StockMins – Lamb Grower Key Features:

  • Molassed to control dust and product losses and limit separation in mixed grain feeds
  • Partly granular to reduce segregation
  • Partly weather proofed to reduce rain damage and leaching
  • Contains optimum levels of essential vitamins, minerals and trace elements necessary for rapid growth.
  • Contains anti-acid (buffer) compounds to reduce acidosis
  • Contains acid salts to reduce the incidence of urinary calculi
  • Contains Bovatec® for growth promotion, feed efficiency and control of coccidiosis.
  • Contains a high level of vitamin E to improve meat quality and health
  • Also contain vitamins A, D3 and Thiamine (B1).
  • Contains NPN from several sources to complement grain proteins

Product Appearance

StockMins – Lamb Grower appears as a semi-granular, dry, dust free premix. It contains coarse granules interspersed in a powdered matrix. It is light brown in colour with a distinct smell of ammonia.

Feeding Instruction

Mix thoroughly together with other ingredients to make a complete mixed ration at a rate of 25kg of Lamb Grower supplement per 1 tonne of feed, or

Offer free access in tubs limiting intake to around 20g – 30g/head/day once animals are fully adapted. Animals will tend to control intake to recommended levels once adapted. When feeding free access use one tub for 50 – 60 lambs.


Do not allow access to horses! This product contains 6.5% urea. Care must be taken when introducing it to livestock. Introduce gradually over a 7 – 10 day period.

Only feed to livestock intended.

Product Code



Product is presented in 25kg bags.
At recommended use rates, 4.3 – 5.4 cents per head per day or ~ $54 per tonne of finished feed.

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