Grazing Weeds in Pasture

IMPORTANCE OF SUMMER GRAZING MANAGEMENT Wet summer increases weed pressure in grazing pasture As the temperatures begin to rise, most pastures will begin to mature, leading to a decline in digestibility, energy, protein and many vitamins and minerals. The low value of this feed creates an alternative and more appealing appetite for freshly growing green […]
Coccidiosis alert!!

The unusually wet start to summer has given rise to concern about coccidiosis outbreaks in lambs at pasture and for those bound for feedlots. ANP has already received several reports of serious events already. With lamb prices predicted to stay high into the new year, targeting rapid lamb growth, either at pasture or in confinement […]
Bloat Management with AusFarm Nutrition Products

Bloat is one of the major threats to livestock production and welfare in the Riverina Murray region that largely goes undisclosed. Frothy Bloat, the most commonly found, is primarily a result of a combination of two factors: The consumption of pastures containing a high level of saponins is predominantly found in legumes. The rapid rumen […]
AusFarm Nutrition Product – Covid-19 crisis

Many farmers and distributors alike have asked if they will have the security of supply of ANP products during this crisis period. We share their and your concerns and I have taken the following measures to add confidence to your business. Our Status ANP is a member of the StockFeed Manufacturers Council of Australia which […]
Australian lamb exports reach new highs in October

Australian lamb exports were strong in October, registering the highest monthly lamb export volume on record. Total lamb shipments reached 20,825 tonnes swt, up 12% year-on-year, underpinned by high lamb turnoff and slaughter levels throughout the month. The Middle East remained Australia’s largest lamb export market, accounting for 25% of all lamb exports, totaling 5,113 […]
ANP – Tech Summer Feeding Strategies for Cows and Calves

Well once again, Ken Ring predicted it and we got it – a dry spring and a hot summer. This together with a number of other factors, has left us with very low feed stocks for the coming months. In the comfort of the past 4 – 5 good seasons, many farmers have increased stock […]