StockMins – Detox

Toxin Deactivating Supplement for Sheep and Cattle


StockMins-Detox is a uniquely formulated, high specification, weatherproof, loose-lick supplement designed to reduce the effects of a broad spectrum of forage toxins in sheep and cattle. StockMins-Detox works through two broad modes of action when it comes to toxic insult, DEFEND and DEACTIVATE.

Target Animals

Sheep, Cattle, Goats

Product Description

Boosting Livestock Defence

Through the supply of effective levels of organic and inorganic essential minerals, vitamins and trace elements StockMins-Detox boosts the animal’s immunity, gut integrity, energy metabolism and tissue regeneration.

Deactivating Toxins

The inclusion of a combination of broad-spectrum toxin deactivators, antioxidants and specially designed ingredients work to deactivate toxins and mop up free radicals during a toxic challenge.

  • Proven and effective broad-spectrum toxin deactivators that have been shown to reduce the impact of ergot alkaloid driven toxicosis conditions in grazing, including toxicosis from perennial ryegrass, fescue, paspalum and sorghum. These toxin deactivators have also been shown to reduce the impacts of mycotoxins and endotoxins created by rumen insults
  • Effective levels of essential minerals (Na, S, Mg, P & Ca), vitamins (A, D3, E and C) and trace elements (Se, I, Co, Mn, Mo & Zn) to help boost immunity, skin and gut integrity while elevating energy metabolism and tissue recovery
  • Molybdenum can reduce the copper load on the liver when liver function has been compromoised by alkaloids dispensed from toxic weeds
  • Selenium and Vitamin E that are strong antioxidants and have a key role in cleaning up free radicals following a toxic challenge to prevent damage to cells
  • Vitamin E and Vitamin C that have important roles in expediting healthy tissue repair, enabling the animal to recover quicker from a toxic insult
  • Bentonite, a clay that is known to assist in absorbing toxins
  • Weatherproof, safe and easy to use

StockMins-Detox has shown to control symptoms of toxicosis in livestock grazing the following weeds:

  • Hairy Panic
  • Heliotrope
  • Goose Foot
  • Caltrop (Bindii)

Anecdotal evidence also suggests that StockMins-Detox can aid in reducing the effects of toxic insult in sheep grazing St John’s Wart.

*StockMins-Detox should be used as part of an integrated weed control program and should be supported by reducing the consumption of toxic weeds by feeding cereal hay or straw.

Product Appearance

StockMins – Detox appears as a dry, granular, dust free powder. It has a distinct yeasty smell with a slight molasses odour and is light brown in colour.

Feeding Instruction

Free Access Feeding: Offer StockMins-Detox free access in tubs limiting intake to around 25g/head/day for sheep and 100 – 150g head/day for cattle once animals are fully adapted.

Mixed Rations: Mix thoroughly together with other ingredients to make a complete mixed ration at a rate of 25kg of StockMins-Detox supplement per tonne of feed.

Use one tub for 50 – 60 sheep or 30 cows.

Warning! Introduce gradually until intake stability is achieved.

Take care if animals are hungry, over consumption is possible. Only feed to livestock intended.

Product Code



Product is presented in 25kg bags.
Expected daily cost per head is around 6.5 cents for sheep and 30 cents for cattle at recommended intake levels.

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