StockMins – HiPro + Bovatec®

Granular Mineral Supplement for Sheep and Cattle


StockMins-HiPro + Bovatec® is a high protein (27% CP) supplement designed to be fed with dry feed and roughages to elevate the fibre digestibility, available energy and utilisation of farm-produced forages. It offers elevated levels of the major minerals, essential trace elements and vitamins A, D and E.

Target Animals

Sheep, Cattle, Goats

Product Description

  • Provides 3 forms of rumen degradable protein including urea at (9.0%), equating to 27% crude protein.
  • Comprises of balanced levels of available calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and salt for optimum performance on dry feed and stubbles.
  • Contains a proprietary blend of key minerals and trace elements (including A, D & E), unique to ANP, to help promote optimum health and wellbeing.
  • Includes sulphur to aid in the rumen’s ability to digest feed and support wool quality.
  • Molassed, oiled and granular to increase palatability, control dust, reduce product losses and limit segregation in mixed feeds.
  • Weather resistant to reduce water damage and leaching

StockMins – HiPro + Bovatec® contains 1000mg/kg Lasalocid as non-antibiotic growth promoter to increase feed converstion efficiency, live weight gain and milk production in lactating cattle and sheep.”

Product Appearance

StockMins – HiPro + Bovatec® is a granular, dust-free, light brown, friable powder. To the nose, it has a sweet molasses smell and appears sandy in texture dispersed with larger particles of urea.

Feeding Instruction

Mixed Rations:- Mix thoroughly together with other ingredients to make a complete mixed ration at a rate of 25kg of StockMins – HiPro + Bovatec® per tonne of air dried feed.

Free Access Feeding:- Offer StockMins – HiPro + Bovatec® free access in 50 -100l tubs limiting intake to around 20g/head/day for sheep and 100g/head/day for cattle once animals are fully adapted. After a period of introduction of around 1 week animals will tend to control their intake to the recommended levels.

Use one tub for 50 – 60 sheep or 20 – 30 cows.

StockMins – HiPro + Bovatec® contains 8.5% urea.

Introduce gradually by mixing 50/50 with StockMins GP or lime for around 7days.

Caution:  –  Do not allow access to horses!

Product Code



Product is presented in 25kg bags.
StockMins – HiPro + Bovatec® daily cost per head is around 5.5 cents for sheep and 22 cents for cattle at recommended intake levels.

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