Grass Tetany Alert
A combination of various environmental factors this season tend to be aligning and can possibly create the perfect storm for Grass Tetany (hypomagnesemia) in cattle over the next few months. These predisposing factors include: High K and low Mg in young pasture after a dry spell Prolonged periods of cold, wet and windy conditions Lactating, […]
Dr Paul Meggison’s Dry Season Feeding Program
Our nutritionists Micheal Savli and Dr Paul Meggison recently featured in an article in The Land discussing effective dry season feeding strategies. Below is a short snippet of the article including recommendations from Micheal and a practical example from Paul maintaining dry cows and keeping weaners moving forward in his commercial cattle herd at Rockview, […]
Judging production capability of dry feed
How do I know when my pasture is lacking the quality and quantity to sustain production? For cows and calves, put out bales of barley or oat straw: If they don’t touch the straw, there is enough nutrition in the paddock to satisfy requirements. If they only eat a little bit of the straw, the […]
28 Steps for lambing Success
Wimmera Field Days
NEW Lambing Nutrition Guide
Click here to download Lambing Nutrition Guide PDF