
Growing Lambs on Green Feed

Key Points A combination of a weaker lamb market and higher grain prices are making grain feedlot finishing lambs a very risky and in many cases unprofitable business. AusFarm Nutrition Products recommend reducing cost of production by effectively and efficiently utilising available green feed to get lambs up to saleable weight as soon as possible. […]

Bloat Alert for Riverina Cattle Producers

Cow eating clover

Frothy Bloat It is common for cattle producers in many parts of NSW and northern Victoria to experience bloat from autumn through to spring, especially if they graze pastures high in clover and lucerne (as well as grazing brassicas). What differs is how bloat is managed or controlled from farm to farm. Like grass tetany, […]

Healthy Hooves for Better Joining

Ram Checks and Lameness

Hoof Health is Key to Joining Performance It’s that time of the year again when producers look to get their ewes and rams in the ideal condition for a successful joining. To ensure that rams are fit for the task, Micheal Savli, Technical Manager at AusFarm Nutrition Products (ANP) emphasises the importance of performing hoof […]

New StockMins-BoviMag Range for Cattle

AusFarm Nutrition Launches New StockMins-BoviMag Range for Cattle. Leaders in ruminant nutrition innovation, Wagga Wagga based AusFarm Nutrition Products (ANP), have been working with cattle and sheep producers for almost two decades to boost the productivity and profitability of extensive grazing systems. Recently, the ANP technical innovation team has focussed on the role of effective […]

Improve Lambing and Manage Lameness

Healthy ewes produce healthy lambs

Improve Lambing and Manage Lameness with StockMins-Hoof n Horn Lambing Supplement for Sheep StockMins-Hoof n Horn is a high specification, antibiotic free, weatherproof, loose-lick, lambing supplement specifically designed to assist in repairing damage, fortifying hooves and chitinous tissue and boosting immunity in pregnant ewes to improve lambing and manage lameness for better results. Boggy Conditions […]

Boost Livestock Performance on Crops

Innovation in dual-purpose crop technology has seen the proliferation of crop grazing in recent years, particularly in the Riverina where growing winter crops like wheat, barley and canola account for a large percentage of farmland and profitability. Multiple benefits of grazing crops Cereal crops are great sources of feed for cattle and sheep during winter, […]