Wet Pastures = Low Value Feed

It’s always surprising how each season brings with it new challenges and learning opportunities. The last three years, being somewhat reminiscent of a typical English autumn, have offered almost as many learning opportunities as buckets of rain. One such learning from the past few years, was that, although rainfall drives pasture growth, too much rainfall […]
Managing Grass Tetany in 2023

Grass tetany (hypomagnesaemia) is one of the leading causes of mortality in adult cows in south-eastern Australia and is estimated to cost $13.7 million in lost production annually.1 Autumn and winter of 2021 and 2022 were two of the most challenging grass tetany seasons on record, with some regions in southern Australia reporting cattle losses […]
Boost Lamb Survival During Lambing

Mortality in ewes and lambs during the lambing period is the largest cause of lost production and the greatest expense to sheep enterprises annually. Lamb survival is key to success. Key Points Peri-natal mortality includes a combination of mis-mothering, starvation, stillbirth and dystocia, and generally occur within 3 days of birth Birthweight is the largest […]
Toxic Weeds Alert

Reports of toxic weeds The recent rainfall has increased the number of reports of toxic weeds springing up in summer pastures and stubbles. Although many weeds are safe to graze, some of the more common summer weeds may be toxic to livestock. Keep an eye out for the following toxic weeds Symptoms of toxicosis Photosensitisation, […]
Six Steps to Improve Lambing in 2023

So, your scanning results are in, and you are relatively happy with them. This has come from you making the right decisions and having ideal conditions up to this point. Now you are presented with a new challenge. Improve lambing by maximising the survival of ewes and lambs throughout pregnancy, and get the lambs weaned […]
Quieter, Calmer Weaning for Better Performance

The fantastic condition of cows and the abundance of quality feed available this Spring has given many producers the flexibility to manage their weaning perfectly to optimise the performance of their herd. Producers looking to strip weight off their cows in time for joining may be looking to hold off weaning and “milk off their […]